My 8 year old next door neighbor asks me "what is your religion?" I thought about that for a second, and came out with "love."
Now.. don't misunderstand me, God is deep in my heart, and Christ is my savior, but to me its more than claiming your a Christian, and doing what's right for your self; to me it is LOVING. Loving every human, with every fault, loving the sinners, saints, straight people, gay people, every race, male female, JUST LOVE. To divide yourself from someone because they are different, is to think you are better than someone, and in no way shape nor form am I better than anyone!
Squeeze with love.
You know that feeling you get when your hands are in the air and you feel that sweet warm love from Christ hugging you so tight? That's how you should feel, EVERYDAY! Not everyone believes the same as me, which is okay I never expected them to, but I pray that the whole world will surrender. I see a lot of people who call themselves Christians, (which no doubt they probably have huge love for the Lord, not trying to step on toes) who bash gays, and shun other religions; and in my opinion is WRONG! If we all loved on each other they way Christ loves us; I think the pews would be full, and the holy spirit even fuller!!
I was blessed to grow up with people who love me like their is no tomorrow (literally) and to think their are kids out there who never experience love in their home; BREAKS MY HEART! Just because that kid at school is mean, and cusses a lot; who cares, love him. So what if that girl gossips and spreads rumors; show her what compassion and love is. I'm not saying doing wrong is okay, I'm just saying, maybe if we loved a little tighter these habits would become non existent. Some peoples mommas and daddy's, don't raise them through love, so they are angry, BRING IT THE LOVE PEACE AND JOY TO THEM!!! the more you do that, the more they will return that positive attitude to you, and others.
"1 John 4:7-8 - Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." < (one of my favorites)
Religion is a foundation love.
Every religion is founded on love, believe that our not. Whether it's Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. That's actually what it is, love. So why do we label it any differently? Why do people say Christ hates gays? Why do people label all Muslims as terrorist? Realize that we are all made to be one as whole, build each other, make new friends, and loved ones. Make your walk with Christ, a walk of love, and take a couple hands with ya! mwah.