Monday, August 17, 2015

Love is my religion.

My 8 year old next door neighbor asks me "what is your religion?" I thought about that for a second, and came out with "love."
Now.. don't misunderstand me, God is deep in my heart, and Christ is my savior, but to me its more than claiming your a Christian, and doing what's right for your self; to me it is LOVING. Loving every human, with every fault, loving the sinners, saints, straight people, gay people, every race, male female, JUST LOVE. To divide yourself from someone because they are different, is to think you are better than someone, and in no way shape nor form am I better than anyone!

Squeeze with love.

You know that feeling you get when your hands are in the air and you feel that sweet warm love from Christ hugging you so tight? That's how you should feel, EVERYDAY! Not everyone believes the same as me, which is okay I never expected them to, but I pray that the whole world will surrender. I see a lot of people who call themselves Christians, (which no doubt they probably have huge love for the Lord, not trying to step on toes) who bash gays, and shun other religions; and in my opinion is WRONG! If we all loved on each other they way Christ loves us; I think the pews would be full, and the holy spirit even fuller!!

I was blessed to grow up with people who love me like their is no tomorrow (literally) and to think their are kids out there who never experience love in their home; BREAKS MY HEART! Just because that kid at school is mean, and cusses a lot; who cares, love him. So what if that girl gossips and spreads rumors; show her what compassion and love is. I'm not saying doing wrong is okay, I'm just saying, maybe if we loved a little tighter these habits would become non existent. Some peoples mommas and daddy's, don't raise them through love, so they are angry, BRING IT THE LOVE PEACE AND JOY TO THEM!!! the more you do that, the more they will return that positive attitude to you, and others.

"1 John 4:7-8 - Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." < (one of my favorites)

Religion is a foundation love.

Every religion is founded on love, believe that our not. Whether it's Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, etc. That's actually what it is, love. So why do we label it any differently? Why do people say Christ hates gays? Why do people label all Muslims as terrorist? Realize that we are all made to be one as whole, build each other, make new friends, and loved ones. Make your walk with Christ, a walk of love, and take a couple hands with ya! mwah.


Friday, June 19, 2015

putting YOU in the Lords hands.

Tonight as I'm reading in Jeremiah I find myself comparing my relationship with the Lord to a flower, your probably like oh, she's weird.... but seriously! A huge beautiful sunflower.

Plant yourself.
Jeremiah 17:7-8
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord And whose trust is the Lord. “For he will be like a tree planted by the water, That extends its roots by a stream And will not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green, And it will not be anxious in a year of drought Nor cease to yield fruit."

As I was thinking about this scripture, I just kept hearing "plant your self, Hailey'"
Put your mind to that. Are you planted? Are you deep in the word? Are you pleasing the Lord? By planted I mean, is your life surrounded with the Lords love? Plant yourself in Godly ways! Plant yourself around Godly people! I wish this whole world had zero sin, no temptation. BUT that's not the case! We have to separate our self from the rest of the world, and (once again) plant ourselves in God.
After I was finished my little worship time, I turned on my phone and one of  the first things I saw, was "Grow where you are planted." That's the Lords works, I didn't have to click on that page and see that, I think that was the Lord telling me, planting yourself is just step 1! Growing in Christ is so important to me, just falling deeper and deeper in his greatness. This is where I found myself comparing myself to a flower. Right now, I am a small new born flower, but my prayer is that one day I will grow into a huge, beautiful sunflower who's seeds blow to others! But think about this; flowers take nurturing if you want them to grow, you have to plant them in good soil, water them!
WE as children of God, have to put ourselves in good soil; not doing sinful things, not hanging around wrong doers, but doing what is right, and doing that with others who share Gods love with you! WE as children of God have to also water our love, trust, and faith in the Lord; Not listening to or participating in ungodly activity! but worshiping the Lord, and drowning in his word.

Trust more. Worry less.
How many of you could say you would put your biggest worry in Gods hands, and not worry about it at all? Not many. I cant! But what we don't realize is that if we have TRUE faith that God will provide, then GOD WILL PROVIDE! Trust that God has a plan, and if things are going great, it isn't over, and one day your faith will pay off, and the lord will laaavvvishhh you with greatness! eepp. I love the Lord. LET GO MY LOVES! Gods got ahold of you!!!!!
1 Peter 5:7
"Give all your worries to God, for he cares about you."
Plant your self. Grow. Trust.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

bro, do you even have faith?

sorry about my lame preface. Heyyoo! long time no see, well recently every time I have set down to write, and prayed for knowledge to share with you all, I'm blank! I'm not going to type a bunch of phony bull crap from MY mind, that's definitely not my purpose! So I've been patient with the Lord. But tonight, I had faith written so heavy alllll across my heart. So here ya go!

"Matthew 17:20; ""You don't have enough faith,' Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had the faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.

These words will forever reign true. I mean obviously, friggin Jesus said it. But today, how many could honestly say they believe if they told a mountain "move" it would move? Eh, not many. Why? because, our faith is jacked. I have faith that Christ can restore souls, and do the unspeakable; cure the blind, allow the deaf to hear, bring the dead to life. But I've lived in this world so long, where most don't believe in miracles, and most believe their is such thing as "impossible." I believe that's why my faith is jacked, ha.

Although that verse has many more perspectives, it doesn't have to literally mean you're moving a mountain. Sometimes you think you can't, like you just flat out can't. I'm here to tell you, shut up, get that negativity out of here, YOU CAN! The father believes you can do anything!!! annn-ythhh-ing, wow! You call on God and your request will be answered, if your faith is truly there! I try to refer to this verse, every time my faith gets weak. Restore yourself, restore your faith!

Build an empire.
Your personal faith, is awesome, you need that to stay connected with the God! BUT. never get comfortable in your faith, you were set on this earth to share the word. If you're a child of God, you know how powerful it is, lets show others. As we go through our day, going to school, working, and encountering as many people as we do, how often do we involve our blessings, or miracles God has set before us? think about it! One of my biggest goals in life is to get as many people to heaven with me as I can! To get to heaven requires faith, love, peace, and good actions. FAITH! I think if we share our faith with others, we can build empires, enhance even the whole worlds faith! Building empires, requires constant actions that others would be persuaded to follow, am I right? So in saying that branch out, spread it! I LIVE IN THE HANDS OF THE FATHER, AND I AM FAR FROM ASHAMED, I BELIEVE HE CAN AND WILL DO ANYTHING I ASK, IF IT IS WORTHY!

Stay blessed. Build your faith!! xoxo

Friday, April 24, 2015

Your beautiful personal journey.

Where are the lions?
We all forget names, we forget doctors appointments, we forget phone numbers. We label those as mistakes, unless one day it becomes your continuous reality. I'm reading an autobiography, "changing my mind" written by a successful Christian man who was struck by brain damage 8 years ago. He speaks about how he's no longer a man thinking, not a thinker, but a new man who is learning, a learner. Using the phrase "where  are the lions?" he says this, "Through these last 8 years I've wondered, where are the lions? I don't notice them attacking me like they haven't ate all day, I don't notice God making them obey and be stripped away from my damaged brain? Where are the lions."

We often think the same way, we think a bad situation must go away for us to learn more, and grow more. But that is so far from the truth, we keep wondering where the lions are, or when are they going away? When we should learn that our Maker wants us there. there. and that those lions are here, to jump at us and attempt to shove sin down our throats. God can take a bad situation out of your life in the snap of a finger, yes, but the sooner you realize those hungry lions are here to stay and make you stronger, the sooner you will grow into something that can over come the depths of sin, and fall into the depths of Gods love.

"2 Corinthians 4:18- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen in temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

No longer a mission, a journey.
As humans we create goals, missions, planning to accomplish them. We accomplish our goal, celebrate in pride, and move on, right? Well since my spiritual body has grown, I've come to a conclusion, BALONEY. I've made it a mission to save as many souls as I can, and I realized that "mission" will NEVER end! I will continue in my faith, and push Gods anointing power until the day I go meet my father, and then the souls I have touched will touch others, and it will become a eternal journey, a journey full of passion and adoration! I just cant help but think that how you have impacted someone, is not over, you are not done. This is no longer a mission, but a journey.

"Psalms 121:8- The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever."

Your journey starts here. 
Their is so many people who are hungry, hungry for love, attention, comfort, something greater! they may not even realize, that what they need is God. So this is for YOU, the person that is starving for compassion! It doesn't matter, how old, or how young, you are, you can start fresh!! you can feed off good fruit, and surround your self with those who have pure hearts. You are the child of the RISEN KING! You have the right to grasp hold of a life of holiness, and grace that is given to you, with no charge, except a return of love. How amazing!!!

"Psalms 119:105- Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Start an eternal journey in Christ right NOW!! It will change your heart for a more beautiful purpose.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

unchanging truth

Prophet Isaiah

{ Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the fatherless, plead the case of the window. 'Come now, lets reason together" says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are obedient, you will eat from the best in the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. Isaiah 1:16-20 }

The people of Judah did not think they deserved forgiveness, and didn't think they needed it. They traded God for idols, so God sent prophets to bring the people back to him.
Isaiah being one of them, he warned the people that if they did not change their ways, God would punish them, and that's exactly what happened, They continued to ignore God, and eventually were carried off into captivity.

BUT God would never just end it right there. God punishes sin, which is only fair. But because he is passionate and merciful, he promises forgiveness and restoration. Isaiah not only saw the upcoming punishment, but he saw the day where the people of Judah would rejoice Gods word, and "reason together".

Scarred sin

Imagine this, you're wearing a new white shirt, and you spill your red snow cone all over it. NO matter how much you scrub, and wash that white shirt, it will never be completely clean, or white again. Sin is just like that red snow cone, it has left you with a permanent stain, that you can't get rid of. But God can. No matter how bad a situation is, God is always able to wash  away your sin, and make you perfectly clean.

God sees you sinning, as he did the people of Judah, but he also envisions the day you rejoice in holy spirit, do it now, don't waste time, pay attention and give your life to our sweet holy God.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Clean spirit

Today God kept giving me multiple topics to write on, I couldn't choose one. So here is a big mash-up of his word, through me!! But the main question is, is your spirit dead? if so... I pray this word, speaks to you, and gives you a clean sense of mind, soul and spirit.

My passion is...

Running, drawing, painting, exploring new places. My point is not about me and my passions, don't exit just yet, this isn't my biography, I swear!! My point is, I haven't posted a blog in a while, no reason why. I've just not put my time into it, I've been doing the activities I enjoy. In the midst of all I've realized, worshiping Christ, reading his word, serving him, should not be an option, it should be your top priority, your highest passion. After all, we are obviously our Lords top priority.

Matthew 6:33 "But first seek the kingdom of  God, and his righteousness, and all of these things will be added to you."

What does it mean to love Christ

This love I have for Christ, is far deeper than any love I could ever face. I cant say I do everything I should to serve, but I truly understand the importance in my heart of Christ. His love to me, is most similar to big ocean waves, coming in so big and dramatic, and breaking down so quick and swallowing you in so beautifully. God should surpass any individual or activity that ever enters your life. This love God has given us is so ginormous, I cant contain. When you claim the title that you have love for our lord and savior, what does that really mean? Well to me, it means to sacrifice the big things. To try to return even 1/3 of the love Christ has given us in this lifetime.

1 John 4:8 "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Gods not dead.

A non-believer once asked me, "how could God even be real?" How could God NOT be real is my question? I guess some people don't have the same mind set I do, but I know for a dang fact God delivers. I don't mean to step on any toes here, but this is my belief. I think most non believers, haven't come to God, they haven't heard the word, heard testimonies. If you're struggling, and you come to God full on faith, THAT is something that will change you, you'll feel it, you'll cry tears of joy, because you KNOW you're changed. You'll never be the same after you encounter the love of God.
(If you haven't seen the movie Gods not dead I strongly suggest you do.)

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

God knows the importance

Honest truth, Sometimes I'm mad, because I know something isn't right, so I cant do it. I'm thinking, why, God? Why can't I do that? But even  if I don't know God knows. I believe our fathers main goal is not to see you happy, I'm sure he would smile so huge, if he saw you happy for the right reasons, don't get me wrong!! But I think Gods main goal, is to see you walking the path right next to him, not to see strung out in sin and being happy. The fact the someone cares for you THAT much is something you should call out praise for daily.

John 14:6 "Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

"Brace your self, you will never  be the same after you encounter the love of God."

Without God these are just words, meaningless words. God sees YOUR struggles, call upon him and he will deliver the biggest amount of love EVER!! Bless you all xoxo

Thursday, March 19, 2015

This is a new season

I'm wrote this blog under the influence of the holy sprit. Beware of a lot of caps and exclamation points! Ok, but really, this is by far going to be my favorite blog, I know this because the lord stopped me in the middle of my harry potter movie and told me to write this..

Good company

In the past, I thought if I was doing wrong, with a group, I had to drop those certain few. That is not the case!! If you make that decision to live for Christ, you guide those that are close to you that same direction. Who are you to leave out someone on the greatest journey of your whole life?

I've be-friended someone recently, who has the strongest love for god, that I could ever imagine. We could talk forever about Christ, we take each others outlooks on certain things, we share bible verses. He lets me tell him the negative parts in my life, and he prays for them. And that's exactly when I realized, if you confirm strong in god, your friends might just hold on to that, and copy your actions. What my friend is doing in my life, is what I'm wanting to do in others lives. Keep the trend alive!!

A beautiful revolt

Before I began to include God in my decisions, I was doing terrible, my friends were doing terrible, well terrible in Gods path, we thought we were awesome. Now, just recently, almost everyone I communicate with IS TURNING TO GOD. I promise, this generation is a generation of dreams, wisdom, and the word of god!!! I'm so excited to see where all the beautiful people in my life will go. He took us all at once, and he took us hard. We are spreading this nation, into a godly nation. Us teenagers, we are small but we ARE powerful. I come into tears thinking about all these people just coming in as one. GOD IS HERE AND HE IS READY FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!

1 timothy 4:12; Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

Isaiah 60:1 Rise up and shine for your light has come. The shining greatness of the lord has risen upon you.

God is not done

The Lord has only begun in me!! This crazy scattered life of mine, is in the hands of God, that makes me feel so great. I feel so special to have Christ in my life who loves uncontrollably, at all times. He has the greatest life for me, and I just cant see how he could do anymore, he is beautiful, and makes me whole.

If your feeling like, you're done, theirs nothing else you could possibly do with yourself, theirs no one there for you... well....
Our father isn't done with you. I repeat, HE IS NOT DONE WITH YOU. Theirs a greater plan out there, and it isn't self pity, if you're feeling worthless, you call on god, and he will never deny you!!!!! Your faith determines you, people. We are made to be loud in our faith, roar up!! Its time.

If you don't think gods there.. you haven't came to him. and if you did, you didn't come with faith. He is there for you in your darkest times, and there to celebrate the beauty of a new life! I KNOW he is there, he has changed my life so incredibly, I cant believe the sin he's brought me from. I know he can do the same for you..

Be apart of a new revolution.