Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Clean spirit

Today God kept giving me multiple topics to write on, I couldn't choose one. So here is a big mash-up of his word, through me!! But the main question is, is your spirit dead? if so... I pray this word, speaks to you, and gives you a clean sense of mind, soul and spirit.

My passion is...

Running, drawing, painting, exploring new places. My point is not about me and my passions, don't exit just yet, this isn't my biography, I swear!! My point is, I haven't posted a blog in a while, no reason why. I've just not put my time into it, I've been doing the activities I enjoy. In the midst of all I've realized, worshiping Christ, reading his word, serving him, should not be an option, it should be your top priority, your highest passion. After all, we are obviously our Lords top priority.

Matthew 6:33 "But first seek the kingdom of  God, and his righteousness, and all of these things will be added to you."

What does it mean to love Christ

This love I have for Christ, is far deeper than any love I could ever face. I cant say I do everything I should to serve, but I truly understand the importance in my heart of Christ. His love to me, is most similar to big ocean waves, coming in so big and dramatic, and breaking down so quick and swallowing you in so beautifully. God should surpass any individual or activity that ever enters your life. This love God has given us is so ginormous, I cant contain. When you claim the title that you have love for our lord and savior, what does that really mean? Well to me, it means to sacrifice the big things. To try to return even 1/3 of the love Christ has given us in this lifetime.

1 John 4:8 "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Gods not dead.

A non-believer once asked me, "how could God even be real?" How could God NOT be real is my question? I guess some people don't have the same mind set I do, but I know for a dang fact God delivers. I don't mean to step on any toes here, but this is my belief. I think most non believers, haven't come to God, they haven't heard the word, heard testimonies. If you're struggling, and you come to God full on faith, THAT is something that will change you, you'll feel it, you'll cry tears of joy, because you KNOW you're changed. You'll never be the same after you encounter the love of God.
(If you haven't seen the movie Gods not dead I strongly suggest you do.)

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

God knows the importance

Honest truth, Sometimes I'm mad, because I know something isn't right, so I cant do it. I'm thinking, why, God? Why can't I do that? But even  if I don't know God knows. I believe our fathers main goal is not to see you happy, I'm sure he would smile so huge, if he saw you happy for the right reasons, don't get me wrong!! But I think Gods main goal, is to see you walking the path right next to him, not to see strung out in sin and being happy. The fact the someone cares for you THAT much is something you should call out praise for daily.

John 14:6 "Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

"Brace your self, you will never  be the same after you encounter the love of God."

Without God these are just words, meaningless words. God sees YOUR struggles, call upon him and he will deliver the biggest amount of love EVER!! Bless you all xoxo

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