Saturday, March 14, 2015

Women of realization

Realization. That could mean many things, but in this case, I'm talking about the realization that you are gods. You are worthy of all and continuous love, from the highest standards. God only wishes for all women to feel so confident at all times, and have only the most positive attention by the men in their life.

You are beautiful in your fathers eyes
I cant say I've never felt insecure, everyone does at some points. I used to look in the mirror some days and feel so high and mighty of myself, other days, I would look in the mirror and feel so ugly, I used to feel like I have to wear 10 lbs. of makeup to be even remotely pretty, and I craved attention like no other, I felt like I had to look my best at all times. But recently I've realized that couldn't be further from truth, God sees you as a master piece. Your actions and your words will make you so much more beautiful than your makeup and the clothes you wear. I've chosen to see the beauty of myself through my gods eyes, rather than the people of this earth.

1 peter 3;3-4 : Your beauty should not come from the outward adornment , such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry, and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of  a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth of gods sight.

Be modest
Ill be honest, I've had struggles in the past trying to be "hot for boys". But I've come to realization that a boy who thinks your only attractive for wearing toddler sized clothing, is not the boy you want in your life. being modest also means having a modest vocabulary,  the words you speak are the words everyone hears, and everything you say, will spread, also most important (god hears you).

YOU can lead the way
Girls usually have someone they wish they had the characteristics of, they look up to them, because they are bold, and they stand out, you listen to what they say. I think, all women can be bold, all women can come to show the way of Christ, and also teach other women to do the same. You can be a negative light and promote sin or shine a positive light and promote the word of god.

You are good enough
No matter your weight, height, color, hair YOU are loved and gorgeous in the lords eyes, who else really matters though right? You are good enough, to wear that dress that's a little weird but you love it. You are good enough for the lord, he knows every single thing about you, and loves you, never change who you are!!!

Know you are beautiful
laaaadddiess, Have god in your heart, and your confidence will blossom like spring flowers. YOU are beautiful, god made everything on your body, in a way he thinks is perfect, remember this in all your days, and god will give the sweetest powers to change lives.

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